Saturday, June 14, 2014

Always, Not Mostly

“He launches His promises earthward—how swift and sure they come! He spreads snow like a white fleece, He scatters frost like ashes, He broadcasts all like birdseed—who can survive His winter? Then, He gives the command…and it all melts; He breathes on winter—suddenly, it’s spring!”—Psalm 147:15-18

There are some things that we know in our brain but that require daily jumper cables to our hearts. Here’s one: God is always (not mostly) faithful to His promises, and, unlike us, doesn’t have the word “impatient” in His own vocabulary. Everything He has made—reflected by the rhythm of the seasons—is perfectly in His hands, with His timing, for His glory.

Awake, my soul, and sing!

Posted 4-6-14

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