Saturday, June 14, 2014

God's Got This

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it; the world, and all who live in it.”—Psalm 24:1

There are ropes, and then there are ropes of promise like this one that are worth grabbing onto with both hands. Despite what we may feel or see around us, we need to remind ourselves every single morning that God is never asleep at the switch or wringing His hands wondering what to do next. Everything about God was, is, and always will be huge—able to do exceedingly above all we could ask or imagine.

Something mysteriously faith-building happens when we verbalize that. And if we could have only two exceedingly-above-all things to shout about today, His unfailing, relentless love toward all who we love, and His glorious grace and mercy lavished on us each day would be enough.

"Holding My World"--Kristian Stanfill

Posted 2-23-14

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