Saturday, June 14, 2014

Worshiping with an Irregular Heartbeat

“When they saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me…”—Matthew 28:17-18

For heaven’s sake, why did Matthew, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, have to include “but some doubted”? Just leave that part out; it reads much better that way. Perhaps as a reality check, as if to remind us the Gospel isn’t really ‘good news’ unless it’s practical. Whether looking out over a mountain vista or standing in a sea of people singing praises, our hearts can be simultaneously full of wonder and in various degrees of questioning, weakness, and weariness.

And no matter how irregular our heart may be beating, God doesn’t stand at a distance in disappointment. When we choose to worship anyway, He comes to meet us at our point of need, to make known once more who He is, and to remind us, for heaven’s sake, why on earth we’ve been put here.

Posted 1-5-14

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