Saturday, June 14, 2014

Strength for the Journey (Repeat)

“…It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.”—Philippians 3:1
Body builders often get stronger not by doing more reps of the same thing week after week, but by gradually adding more weight. The upside down world of the gospel, however, suggests just the opposite—that we become stronger by building ourselves up on what we already know of God or have heard or read a gazillion times before but are quick to forget (Jude 1:20).

Safeguard, at its root, implies protection and strength for the journey. Next time we’re tempted to say, “Not that song again!” or “Oh, I’ve read this passage so many times. Next?,” it’s good to remember that singing/reading/doing the same things again and again and expecting the Holy Spirit to produce a different result within us is entirely sane. Repetition can drive us crazy, but it can also drive us forward.

Posted 3-9-14

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