Saturday, June 14, 2014

Quiet Time Unleashed

“But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.”—Deuteronomy 30:14

God’s Word is wildly symphonic, full of color, tempo, and mood changes…and life--because God knows our frame and is ever-ready to speak to our every need and season. And while there’s nothing like the wash of peace and rest that rolls over us in those moments (however brief) when we can get away from the noise, distractions, and barrage of outrageously bad news to refocus our bearings on the only One who:

Never changes…
Never sleeps…
Never lies…
Never freaks out…

…there is also power and strength when we remember to break that silence and open our mouths to speak back the promises to our heart and soul--power and strength to walk it all out.

How does that work? Who knows? We only know that, from the very beginning, in the silence of the formlessness and void, the example was established:  “And God SAID… and it was so…and it was good.” 

Posted 6-1-14

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